
Panel Meters - An Overview
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Panel Meters - An Overview

Panel meters are devices that display the input signal in analog or digital format. Panel meters are an integral part of industries that require monitoring or controlling the equipment daily. Modern panel meters are equipped with cutting-edge features including alarms, data transmission through various mediums, etc.

Panel Meters - an overview - blogs feature image

The fundamental working principle goes like this: a sample of voltage or current from the signal is taken, and a visual representation is produced. While current measurements are often made in series, voltage measurements are typically made across the load. In high-power systems, additional instruments like current/voltage transformers are employed for high-magnitude measurements.

Motor current monitoring is a typical use for panel meters. In an industrial application, a motor that drives pumps or fans will have certain line requirements. For instance, a filter obstruction may cause the fan to become more resistant, which, if left untreated, can cause a number of issues, most notably a halt in operations.

In contrast, a broken belt may cause a decline in motor output current, which needs to be fixed right away to restore productivity. Voltage and current measurements can be made using a potential or current transformer, and the results can then be seen on a panel meter.

The two major types of panel meters are digital panel meters and analog panel meters.

What Are Panel Meters?

Panel meters are displays that are designed to be put inside of a panel, like a control panel. Typically, they read some kind of input—a voltage, current, or resistance—and digitally display its value. This input often consists of a sensor measurement that is converted into a temperature, pressure, or other system variable and displayed.

These meters can also work as straightforward controllers, tripping a switch or carrying out a simple function when the reading reaches a predetermined measurement.

Types of Panel Meters

Apart from the functionality, types of digital panel meters vary depending on the type of display and lighting technology used.

  • Display
    • Numeric: Only numbers are displayed. Since the purpose is to display numeric values of the input, digital panel meters commonly come with numeric displays.
    • Alpha-numeric: Letters and numbers are displayed. The idea is to serve more details regarding the values displayed, such as the measurement reading’s channel, units, etc.
  • Lightning Technology
    • Led Displays: consists of light-emitting diodes that light up and are visible in the dark.
    • LCD Displays: made of liquid crystal displays, these are dark/black digits across a blank grey or green screen and require a backlight to be visible in the dark.
  • Signal Input Type
    Digital panel meters must be designed to accept the analog input sent to them in order to function properly. These inputs can be of various types:
    • AC Voltage: input acquired in the measurable form of AC Voltage in VAC (Volts AC).
    • AC Current: input acquired in the measurable form of AC Current in AC (AC Amperes) or mA AC (AC Milliamperes).
    • AC Power: input acquired in an adjustable range of current, voltage and/or frequency.
    • DC Voltage: input acquired in the measurable form of DC Voltage in VAC (Volts AC).
    • DC Current: input acquired in the measurable form of DC Current in A AC (AC Amperes) or mA AC (AC Milliamperes).
    • DC Power: input acquired in an adjustable range of current, voltage and/or frequency.
    • Temperature: input acquired through a temperature sensor like a thermistor, RTD or thermocouple.
    • Pressure: input acquired from elements that measure a change in resistance, such as strain gauges or piezoresistive sensors.

Functions of Digital Panel Meters

The various functions of digital panel meters determine their utility in different settings.

  • Basic Display Output
    All digital panel meters’ fundamental task is to translate an input signal into a displayed value. A sensor that is part of the system provides input to the device via the panel the meter is connected to. The control panel provides power and inputs for the meter display.
  • Additional Outputs
    • Analog Functionality can produce an analogue output for analog devices, such as a variable voltage or current, that is proportional to the input signal.
    • Data Interface Functionality allows interaction with the information displayed for data analysis.
    • Set Point Functionality allows users to establish input values for alarms of simple control operations. Depending on the design of the meter and panel, these on/off functions correlate to solid-state or electromechanical relay outputs.

If you are looking to read more on voltmeters and ammeters, you can check out our dedicated guides on these topics.

Features of Digital Panel Meters

Following is the list of extra features incorporated by digital panel meters for the added functionality:

  • Alarms (either visual or audible) may be built in the meter to signal when set points or limits are reached.
  • Set points options allow you to set control limits or set points for process variables like speed, temperature, humidity or pressure. In a heating application, the device sends an ON control signal when the temperature falls below the set point and an OFF control signal when the set point temperature is reached or surpassed.
  • On/off control enables the meter to direct an on/off output signal to start or stop a process unit (over, motor or fan) using relays, open collector transistors or other electronic devices. One of the most basic methods for process control is on-off, bang-bang, or limit control.
  • Adjustable displays enable the meter to be modified to show various displays.
  • Additional channels allow meters to receive and interpret many signals from various sources.
  • USB/serial ports allow meters to be connected to other devices, including computers or data analysis tools, using USB/serial ports.

Important Specifications of Panel Meters

Digital panel meters can be of various types. Following are some specifications to take into account:

  • Number of Digits
    The number of digits represents how many digits appear in the display output. Depending on the level of accuracy required, this number should be fewer than or equal to the number of significant figures in the signal input.

The first or last digit in meters that can display half-digits (such as 4.5 or 2.5 digits) can only be “1” or off, or “5” or off. This “half” digit enables the display of intermediate numbers (100.5 vs. 100_) or an extension of the display’s upper limits (1000 vs. _999).

  • Size
    The device’s physical compatibility with the panel it is to be mounted on depends on the size of the panel face. Typically, face sizes are described by length and width and are measured in inches (in) or millimetres (mm). Although most panels will accept standard depths related to the face size, sometimes the depth of the meter and the dimensions of the cutout need to be considered. The display should also be large enough for the user to read the numbers and letters when mounted.
  • Colour
    Certain colours are intended for display on digital panel meters. In LCD meters, the backlight hidden behind the black numbers determines the colour and in LED meters, the type of diodes incorporated determines the colour. Red is the standard LED colour and LCDs often lack backlighting (no colour). There are multicolour choices, which are especially helpful when using multiple displays or channels. Users may find it easier to recognise the measurements by setting one colour to each display.
  • Connections
    The physical connections (such as screw connectors) required for a stable mounting to the panel, as well as the electrical inputs and outputs, are all included in the connections for digital display meters. These connections have to work with the associated control panel’s design and features.

Applications of Digital Panel Meter

Digital panel meters are widely used to monitor motor currents, over temperature and pressures. They also come in handy for the following tasks:

  • Welding Current
    It is challenging to perform nondestructive weld quality verification, thus it is crucial to keep an eye on the welding parameters. It is feasible to employ a shunt to reduce the current and voltage utilised at the welder to a level that a digital panel meter can handle, allowing it to serve as a process meter.
  • Protection of 3-Phase Motors
    Voltage fluctuations across the phases can be sensitive to large industrial motors. Digital panel meters can be configured to function as a frequency meter and allow monitoring of incoming voltage, enabling quick detection of any faults. Alarms can be set off as needed to detect voltage imbalances across the lines, high or low voltage, and even dropped lines.
  • Cooling Water TemperatureWater pumped through the tooling of injection moulding machines is frequently used to cool and solidify the plastic. Both the water’s temperature and flow rate affect predictable cooling. The temperatures of the water before and after it goes through the tool can be seen on a digital panel meter. 
Curious to learn about the applications of Analog meters? Dive into our blog!

Bottom Line

A pioneer in electrical measuring instruments, Beemet’s panel meters have much more value to offer than the little you invest in them. We have a wide range of analog and digital panel meters that are rolled up with the finest of materials, a built-in transducer, and all of it in a handy, compatible size.


An analog panel meter uses a needle to show the value, whereas in digital ones the resulting numbers appear over a screen.

With a proper LCD readout, digital panel meters are generally seen as more modern and better than analog panel meters.

Digital panel meters are more accurate and reduce the room for errors, in contrast to analog panel meters. They reduce reading and interpolation errors and their portable size makes it easy to carry them anywhere.

Shunts - All You Need To Know
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Shunts - All You Need To Know

In this blog, we are going to understand in detail what are shunts, how ammeter shunts work, their uses, types, and much more.

A shunt (or shunt resistor) is a device that creates a low resistance path for an electric current, to allow it to pass through another point in the circuit. Shunts are also referred to as current shunt resistors, ammeter shunts, current shunts, or DC shunts. They are used for both direct and alternating current measurements.

A shunt resistor always has a very low resistance because it is made of a material having a low-temperature coefficient of resistance.

Working principle of shunts

Shunts are designed with an extremely low resistance value. When current flows through them, they create a small voltage drop. This drop is proportional to the current passing through the shunt. This voltage drop is then used to measure the current accurately.

Current Flow: When current passes through the main circuit, a fraction of it flows through the shunt due to its low resistance.

Voltage Drop Creation: As current journeys through the shunt’s low-resistance path, a tiny voltage drop is generated.

  • Voltage Measurement: By measuring this voltage drop across the shunt, we can determine the current flowing through the main circuit.

  • Precise Current Calculation: We apply Ohm’s law (Current = Voltage / Resistance) to accurately calculate the current.

At BEEMET, we grasp the significance of shunts in current measurement accuracy. Our shunts are carefully designed to ensure dependable and precise operations. 

Key factors to consider when choosing a Shunt

Shunts are designed with an extremely low resistance value. When current flows through them, they create a small voltage drop. This drop is proportional to the current passing through the shunt. This voltage drop is then used to measure the current accurately.

Current Flow: When current passes through the main circuit, a fraction of it flows through the shunt due to its low resistance.

Voltage Drop Creation: As current journeys through the shunt’s low-resistance path, a tiny voltage drop is generated.

  • Voltage Measurement: By measuring this voltage drop across the shunt, we can determine the current flowing through the main circuit.

  • Precise Current Calculation: We apply Ohm’s law (Current = Voltage / Resistance) to accurately calculate the current.

At BEEMET, we grasp the significance of shunts in current measurement accuracy. Our shunts are carefully designed to ensure dependable and precise operations. 

How to Measure Current Using Shunt?

Many ammeters have built-in resistors to measure the current. However, when the range of current to be measured exceeds a certain value, say 30A, a different circuit is required. In this circuit, an ammeter is placed in parallel with a shunt resistor. This type of resistor is also called an ammeter shunt. This shunt has a very low resistor value to prevent heat generation and loss of power. The current gets divided between the shunt resistor and ammeter in such a way that only a small percentage flows through the ammeter. A large amount of current bypasses the ammeter and flows through the shunt resistor. This current generates a voltage drop. The resulting voltage drop will correspond directly to the current passing through the circuit. Using Ohm’s law, I = V/R, you can measure the current.

Position of the Shunt Within the Circuit

It is important to take precautions with respect to the positioning of the shunt within the circuit. The ammeter shunt should be placed as close to the ground as possible. This helps in protecting the ammeter against common-mode voltage that can be too high and may damage the device.

A shunt can also be isolated from the ground by placing it on an ungrounded leg. A voltage divider or an isolation amplifier can be included in this type of circuit.

How to Build a Shunt Resistor?

A thin copper wire can be used to design a shunt resistor. However, the size and length of the shunt depend on the resistance you need. The resistance of the shunt resistor used depends on the current range to be measured by the ammeter.

If you use 10 AWG copper wire having a diameter of 2.59mm, the resistance of the wire per 1000 feet is 0.9989 ohms. The resistance varies as per the diameter of the wire.

To calculate the length of the wire for a particular value of the shunt resistor, you can use the shunt resistor formula mentioned below:

Length of the wire = Reqd shunt resistance / Resistance per 1000 feet.

If you are looking for shunts for industrial use, you can get in touch with us. Beemet is one of the leading ammeter shunts manufacturers. We supply electrical measuring instruments to companies around the world.

Types of Shunt Resistors

Based on the material used to make them, shunt resistors are classified into 4 types:
  • Carbon Shunt Resistor – A carbon shunt resistor is designed using finely ground insulating and carbon material.
  • Metal alloy shunt resistors are made using two or more metallic elements. For example, Manganin – an alloy of copper, manganese and nickel is widely used in metal alloy shunts.
  • Wire-wound resistors are designed using conductive wire and are wound on a ceramic rod.
  • Ceramic shunt resistors are made of solid, resistive, high-temperature ceramic materials with metal contacts.
Based on functions, here are a few other types of shunt resistors:
DC Current Shunt Resistor
The DC current shunt resistor is used to measure high current. It transmits a millivolt output to measuring instruments that are in proportion to the flow of current. It is usually connected in series with a heater, DC motor, and battery charger.
High Power Shunt Resistor
A metal alloy is soldered to copper terminals to create a high-power shunt resistor. High power shunts have an array of industrial applications. These shunts are used in voltage division, frequency converters, current sensing in hybrid and electric vehicles, bus bars and battery management services.
High Power Low Ohmic Shunt Resistor
In automotive systems and industrial equipment, this shunt resistor is used for current detection.

Applications of Shunt Resistor

Here are a few applications of shunts:
  • A shunt resistor is one of the prominent devices used in an overload protection circuit.
  • It is used in a circuit to protect against overvoltage.
  • A shunt resistor along with a capacitor in the circuit is used to prevent the problem of high-frequency noise.
  • A shunt also monitors the power and measures the current flowing through the battery.

Advantages of Shunts

  • Shunts are used for both DC and AC measurements.
  • It is easy to measure the high current flowing through a circuit using the shunt resistor.
  • Shunts are shock and vibration-proof devices.
Hope you enjoyed this blog. If you’re seeking similar content on electrical instrumentation topics like Current Transformers and Panel meters, checkout our dedicated blog on each of them. 


It is connected with an ammeter to bypass the current. It creates a low resistance path in the circuit and allows the current to flow through another path.

Yes. A shunt resistor generates heat as the current passes through it.

Shunt resistors are made of a variety of materials like carbon film, ceramic, metal film, metal oxide, metal alloy, wire-wound, thick film and thin film.

Current Transformers - A Definitive Guide!
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Current Transformers - A Definitive Guide!

A current transformer is a device that helps in measuring alternating current, shown in the picture for a reference.

What Is A Current Transformer?

A current transformer is a device that helps in measuring alternating current. It converts high primary current to a low, safer level secondary current that is measurable.

A current transformer can be used to multiply or reduce alternating current. A typical current transformer is a series-connected electromagnetic device comprising an iron core, electrical grade lamination and copper wound coil.

Uses of Current Transformer

current transformer is typically used when the voltage or current is too high to directly measure. In this case, the CT performs its usual function of lowering the current.

The resultant lower or secondary current is suitable for processing into electronic equipment. In this way, by reducing the high current into an equivalent lower current, the actual electrical current flowing in an AC transmission line can be safely monitored. Hence, a current transformer is an indispensable part of an electronic power system. 

CTs are also used to protect delicate measuring equipment. The current in the CT can be made significantly smaller than the current in the primary circuit being measured by increasing the number of windings.

Advantages of using CT

  • Accurate Scaling: Choosing current transformers means choosing accuracy. These devices precisely scale down high currents to levels suitable for measurement, ensuring precise and reliable readings.
  • Safety: They allow measurement without direct contact with high currents, minimizing the risk of shocks and ensuring operator safety.
  • Equipment Protection: By isolating measurement devices from high currents, they prevent damage and extend equipment lifespan.
  • Reduced Power Loss: Current transformers contribute to efficient energy management. By enabling accurate measurements at lower currents, they help identify inefficiencies and reduce power wastage.
  • Wide Application Range: Current transformers are versatile. They find applications in various industries, from power distribution to industrial automation, making them indispensable tools.
  • Real-Time Insights: They provide real-time data, empowering operators to make informed decisions promptly.
  • Compatibility: Current transformers are compatible with measurement instruments, like a universal remote control. They can easily interface with meters, relays, and other monitoring devices.
  • Simplified Maintenance: They enable remote monitoring, reducing the need for frequent manual checks.

At BEEMET, we understand the significance of accurate current measurement. Our current transformers embody these advantages, ensuring precision, safety, and efficiency in various applications.

Maintenance of CT

Here are simple steps to ensure your current transformers stay in peak condition:

  • Regular Inspection: Inspect current transformers periodically for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Promptly address any issues to maintain accurate measurements.
  • Cleanliness: Dust and dirt can impact performance, so gently clean them when needed.
  • Connection Check: Ensure that all connections are secure. Loose connections can lead to inaccurate measurements and impact device lifespan.
  • Temperature Awareness: Ensure they operate within their specified temperature range to maintain accuracy
  • Emergency Preparedness: Keep spare current transformers on hand in case of failures. This minimizes downtime and ensures uninterrupted operations.

At BEEMET, we understand the importance of accurate current measurement. Our current transformers are designed for precision and reliability, and proper maintenance ensures they deliver consistent performance over time.

How Does Current Transformer Work?

The current transformer follows the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. It is also referred to as low tension current transformer (LTCT) because it takes a low voltage and high current as input.

The CT comprises 2 windings – primary and secondary. The primary is wired to the power source, while the secondary is wired to the power distribution end. These two windings are twisted together around a single sealed magnetic iron circuit called the core, rather than being in electrical contact with each other.

The AC current flows through the primary winding. As per Faraday’s law, an equivalent magnetic flux is produced. This magnetic flux strikes the secondary winding and generates a proportionate alternating current.

The primary current flow is determined by a separate external load, while the secondary current is rated at 1A or 5A, making it suitable for measurement instruments.

Types Of Current Transformers

Current transformers are grouped into numerous types based on characteristics such as their intended purpose, circuit voltage, mounting manner, and so on.

1. Indoor Current Transformers

Wound type, bar type, and window type transformers are the most common types of transformers used in low voltage circuits. Wound-type transformers have both primary and secondary windings, just like regular transformers

2. Outside Current Transformers

These are typically utilized for circuits with substantially greater voltages, such as switchyards and substations. These CTs are insulated with either oil or SF6 gas.

3. Bar Type Current Transformer

The primary winding of a bar-type current transformer is the actual cable or busbar of the primary circuit, which is equivalent to one turn. Higher-insulation bar types are available and are typically attached to the current-carrying device.

4. Wounds Current Transformer

This type of transformer has a primary winding on the core that is greater than one full round. The wound current transformer’s primary and secondary windings are separated by one or more turns encircling the core and are isolated from one another. Taps on the secondary winding allow them to be built as multi-ratio CTs. The wound type performs admirably across a broad working range.

Range of Current Transformers

The Difference Between CT And PT

1. Connection

The circuit is connected in series with a current transformer, allowing full line current to flow through the winding. Whereas a potential transformer is connected in parallel with the circuit, resulting in full line voltage across the winding.

2. Function

A current transformer decreases a high current to a safe and measurable level. Large primary currents are converted to little 1A/5A currents that can be measured with an ammeter.

Potential transformer measures and decreases high voltage values to lower ones. The high voltage is converted to a typical secondary voltage of 100V or less.

3. Windings

The primary winding of a current transformer has fewer turns and carries the current to be measured. The main/primary winding of a potential transformer has several turns and conveys the voltage to be measured.

The secondary winding of a current transformer has a significant number of turns on the secondary side and is connected to the instrument’s current winding. The secondary winding of a potential transformer contains a modest no. of turns on the other side and is connected to the device.

4. Value Of The Input

The input value of a current transformer is constant current, whereas the input value of a potential current transformer is constant voltage.

5. Winding Range

The range of a current transformer is 1A or 5A, while that of a potential transformer is 110V.

Factors to Consider While Selecting CT

1. Ascertain that the current transformer’s primary range encompasses the application need.

2. It’s crucial to know which outputs your metering equipment can handle.
3. The CT you use must be able to fit around the conductor you’re going to measure. At the same time, over sizing a CT to accommodate a small conductor may not be cost-effective or space-efficient.
4. Determine the typical application of a current transformer that is most appropriate for its intended use.
5. Determine the rated power, which specifies a current transformer’s ability to “push” the secondary current through a load within error limits

Applications Of Current Transformers

  • These transformers are used to monitor electric power in power plants, factories, grid stations, and industrial control rooms for metering and evaluating current flow in circuits and protection.


  • It is utilized throughout the frequency response cycle to calculate harmonics and monitor power quality.


  • It can be used in substation converters, HVDC projects, AC filters, and DC filters.


  • In high-voltage mains and substations, as a protection device.


  • It is utilised in capacitive banks as an integrated protection module.


  • CTs with tiny footprints are used to detect current overloads, identify faults, and separate current feedback signals on printed circuit boards.


  • In many three-phase systems, larger devices are utilized to measure current or voltage.

Hope you enjoyed this blog. If you’re seeking similar content on electrical instruments like VoltmeterAmmeter, and Panel Meters, Beemet has you covered. 

Also, If you are looking for high-quality current transformers, you can get in touch with us. Beemet is one of the top current transformers manufacturers in India. We specialize in the manufacturing of a wide range of electrical measuring instruments such as ammeters, voltmetersshunts, and panel meters

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

A current transformer or Ct transformer is generally used to multiply or reduce the Voltage and current levels of a power supply. A Ct transformer is typically used when the Voltage or current is too high to measure directly. It follows the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic Induction. A Ct consists of two windings – Primary and secondary. The primary is connected to a power source and the secondary is connected to the output end.  

There are many types of current transformers one of which is a Bar current transformer. BEEMET Instruments offer a wide range of Bar current transformers and is one of the leading Current transformer manufacturers, Suppliers, and exporters in India 

While selecting a CT, you should consider a variety of factors such as Cost efficiency, space efficiency, rated power, and your application need. They can be used for Industrial as well as domestic purposes. Current Transformers from BEEMET offers reliability and accuracy at an affordable cost, which makes them ideal for large industry application. Our CTs are welded properly and are unbreakable.

Current Transformers can be used for various applications, but the main application is measuring current and as a protection device.  They can be used to measure current overload and identify faults in Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Also, CTs can be used to monitor electric power in power plants, factories, and grid stations.  

For protection, they are used in capacitive banks, high-voltage mains, and substations. If you are looking for high-quality current transformers, you can get in touch with us. BEEMET is one of the top current transformers manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters in India.

Current transformers are grouped into numerous types based on characteristics such as their intended purpose, circuit voltage, mounting manner, and so on which are as follows: Indoor Current Transformers, Outside Current Transformers, Bar Primary Current Transformers and Wound Primary Current Transformers.

CT and PT are both Instrument transformers where CT stands for Current transformer and PT stands for Potential transformer (Voltage transformer). Both CT and PT are used to help the power system stay safe. 

 CT or Current transformer is a series-connected device that is mainly used to measure currents within equipment while PT or Potential Transformer is a parallel connected device used to measure relatively high voltage values. The output values in CT and PT are measured in Amperes(A) and Volts(V) respectively.

2. Vishal will be confirming the author’s bio by tomorrow. Once we receive it please get it implemented on all the blogs. 

3. Vishal will also be sharing CT and digital panel meter videos. Please get it embedded on the blog and product page. 

5. Add H2 – Our range of Current Transformers – Mention our product’s name with images here. Also, give them a backlink.

6. Give a link to the blog page using a section on the product page of the current transformer.

Step Up Transformer and Step Down Transformer.

Three Phase Transformer and Single Phase Transformer.

Electrical Power Transformer, Distribution Transformer and Instrument Transformer.

Two-Winding Transformer and Autotransformer.

Current transformers (CT) are connected in series with the conductor carrying that current, so it is effective for measuring current. Potential transformers (PT) are connected across an element, so they are effective for measuring voltage across that element.

Beemet is one of the top manufacturers of Current Transformers in India. Beemet has helped define a unique market for quality analog and digital measuring instruments used in the manufacturing and service industry.

In addition to CTs, we also manufacture other electrical measuring instruments such as ammeters, shunts, voltmeters, panel meters, etc.

Ammeter - A Complete Guide!
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Ammeter - A Complete Guide!

 An Ammeter has a lot of uses in day-to-day life and is a very important electrical measuring instrument. This complete guide will help you understand what an ammeter is, how an Ammeter works, different types of ammeters, and more. 

An Ammeter has a lot of uses in day-to-day life and is a very important electrical measuring instrument. Here is a reference picture of the same.

What is an Ammeter?

An ammeter is a measuring device that measures the flow of current in a circuit. It gives the exact reading of how much current passes through the conductor. Ammeter is derived from the Greek word ‘amps’ which means current. 

When the circuit is at rest and current begins to flow, the ammeter immediately shows the current. Most ammeters have little or no electrical resistance and are simply connected in series of the circuit to be measured. 

The current flowing through the ammeter causes a direct current to flow through the circuit, causing lights to glow and heating elements to heat up. However, the current drawn by the ammeter itself leads to a much smaller voltage drop across its terminals, so the ammeter can be a more sensitive measure of current than the electrical circuit elements themselves.

Ammeters are commonly used to measure the current drawn by any appliance, machine, motors, pumps, equipment, etc. Ammeters are available as either analog panel meters, or digital panel meters.

Working Principle of an Ammeter

An ammeter is always connected in series with the circuit, so the current passes through it. Inside the ammeter, there’s a tiny wire called a “shunt.” 

When the current flows through the wire we aim to measure, a tiny part of the current takes the detour through the shunt. This detour creates a small voltage that’s easy to measure.

The ammeter then uses this voltage to tell us the amount of current passing through the wire. The more current, the higher the reading on the ammeter.

In summary, an ammeter works by using a shunt to measure a small bit of the current, turning it into a voltage, and then showing us the current reading. 

Applications of an Ammeter

Ammeters are the current navigators in a variety of situations. From home to industry, they silently play a crucial part in maintaining a balanced current flow and enhancing our electrical experiences. Let’s take a look at their applications:

  • Home Wiring Check: Ammeters lend a hand in confirming if your home’s electrical system is running smoothly. By measuring current flow, they ensure that circuits aren’t overloaded, averting potential problems.
  • Gadget Performance: By hooking up to devices like your computer or fridge, they unveil their power consumption details. 
  • Car Troubleshooting: Behind a vehicle’s dashboard, ammeters can uncover if the battery and alternator are matched perfectly. Too much or too little current can point to issues that need fixing.
  • Industrial Buzz: Ammeters are like stage managers in factories. They keep tabs on the currents feeding heavy machinery, guaranteeing a smooth performance.
  • Renewable Energy Setup: Ammeters can help us monitor and optimize the energy harnessed from solar panels and wind turbines. 
  • Electronics Creation: They can help fine-tune the components, ensuring they consume the right amount of current.

Advantages of using an Ammeter

Ammeters offer a range of valuable benefits. With their quick and real-time current readings, they act as instant electric traffic inspectors. They prevent potential hazards by detecting and notifying us about overloaded circuits. They pinpoint issues through irregular current patterns. Their ability to reveal the energy consumption of devices empowers us to make energy-efficient choices, leading to both cost savings and reduced environmental impact. 

These instruments become indispensable tools, aiding in the design of effective and efficient electronic circuits. In summary, ammeters can be used for enhancing safety, efficiency, and knowledge in the realm of electricity.

Precaution while using an Ammeter

When dealing with an ammeter, a few simple precautions ensure a safe and accurate experience. Make sure to choose the right current range on the ammeter, much like selecting the right gear for driving. Secure and healthy wires are a must.

Remember, an ammeter is a current device so never use it to measure voltage to prevent both meter damage and unsafe situations. Avoid touching metal parts when the circuit is live, and if possible, stick to using one hand during measurements to minimize risks.

Ammeter Reading and Symbol

Current is measured in Amperes and hence Ammeter displays the reading in amperes. In an electric circuit, the ammeter is represented by ‘A’ inside a small circle. 

How does an Ammeter work? 

In order to measure current in a circuit, it is important to break the circuit open and insert an “ammeter” in series with the circuit. This will allow electrons to flow through the ammeter as well as through the circuit. In few minutes, the ammeter will start showing the amperes in the circuit. 

What are the types of Ammeters?

On a broader level, the ammeters are classified in two categories – Types of ammeter depend on the construction and on the measurement of current. Lets look at each one to help us understand their functionality better. 

Based on construction:

  • Permanent moving coil ammeter (PMCA) : This ammeter is used to measure direct current. Here, the coil is placed between the pole of a permanent magnet. The deflection of the coil depends on how much current flows through it. 
  • Moving iron ammeter: Used for measuring both direct and alternating current. The deflection of the assembly is proportional to the current that passes through the coil. 
  • Electro-dynamometer ammeter: Used for measuring both the AC and DC currents. This has more accuracy when compared to the other two instruments. 
  • Rectifier type ammeter: Generally used for precise measurement of alternating current and finds application in communication circuits. 

Based on the measurement of current:

  • AC ammeter
    An ammeter is a device used to measure current. It comprises of a moving iron movement in which the assembly moves between two jewel bearings. This ammeter is used to measure DC currents. 
  • DC ammeter
    DC ammeters are used to measure the current flowing through a conductor. The ammeter is a simple device that has a dial with divisions to indicate the amount of current passing through it. This ammeter is used to measure the current in DC circuits with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.

Analog Ammeter

The pointer inside the ammeter moves within a span of 90°. The tip of the pointer corresponds to a numeric value. This is the amps of current passing through the circuit. DC ammeters have linear scales with equal divisions. AC ammeters have non-linear scales with unequal divisions. 

These CF series 2 ammeters are manufactured, exported and supplied by Beemet are designed to an internationally accepted standard.

Digital Ammeter

Digital ammeters measure current flow in amps and display current levels as per the number of digits provided on a digital display. These devices help users troubleshoot erratic loads and trends. 

Beemet's manufactured digital ammeters which comes in various sizes (96×48/96×96/48×48) as well as in compact module form.

What is the range of Ammeter?

The range of an ammeter means the maximum capacity of current it reads. Typically an ammeter has a range of 0-3 ampere and there are 30 divisions on its scales. 

E. g. – if you take an ammeter which has a dial 0 —300, it means it can read the current upto 300 amp. For digital meters, no dial will be there, and it reads on the screen up to the capacity mentioned on it. 

Where is the ammeter used in daily life? 

The ammeter is a device used to measure electric current. It is most commonly used in electrical systems, such as in homes and businesses, to measure the flow of electricity. An ammeter can measure both the DC and AC current. In everyday life, it can be used anywhere to measure the current like in cars, fridges, heaters, sensitive machines, etc. 

If you want to find an ammeter that perfectly fits your application requirements- Give  our blog on selecting the right ammeter a read. 

How to Read an Ammeter?

An ammeter has two terminals on the rear indicated by positive and negative signs. Connect the equipment accordingly. When the equipment is switched on, the ammeter will indicate the current drawn by the equipment. 

Ammeter reading is the reading of the deflection of the magnetic needle due to the intensity of the magnetic field created in the ammeter coil caused by the amount of current flowing. So when calibrated they are capable of measuring the amount of current flowing when connected in series in the circuit.

Reading an ammeter is simple, but there are a few things you need to know in order to do so. First, the ammeter has two terminals – the black lead (or “anode”) and the red lead (or “cathode”). The ammeter’s scale is read from left to right, with each number representing a certain amount of current. Second, when measuring current, it’s important to keep in mind that ammeters measure DC current – that is, the current flowing through the meter is constant regardless of how much voltage is present. Finally, always use caution when working with electrical equipment – even small currents can be dangerous if not handled properly! 


Beemet is a leading voltmeterammeter, and panel meter manufacturer and exporter from India. We have won the trust of many customers around the world by providing high-quality products at competitive prices. Our Ammeters are used in several commercial and industrial applications. 

Beemet ammeters are available in various models and sizes to suit the customer’s requirements. They come in: 

  • Square DIN sizes (48/72/96/144) 
  • Wide view clear polycarbonate front mounting and rear panel mounting type 
  • Round meter with glass front-type 
  • Rectangular sizes 
  • Wide angle 240° circular scale type 
  • Educational portable type mounted on a desktop stand 
  • American type Saxon and Fiesta series. 
  • Maximum demand indicator / bimetallic ammeters in 2 and 3 pointer types. 

The meter housing is made with ABS and polycarbonate plastics. Our ammeters are available in DC permanent magnet moving coil type, AC moving iron type and moving coil rectifier type. The microammeters are available from 25μA – 1000μA, milliammeters from 1mA – 1000mA, ammeters from 1A – 60A (internal shunt), 1A – 10000A (with external shunt) and similar range for AC ammeters with external CT. We also manufacture digital ammeters in various sizes (96×48/96×96/48×48) as well as in compact module form. 

Hope this article helped you with a detailed understanding of Ammeters! If you want a walkthrough of a Voltmeter, dive into our dedicated Blog on Voltmeter for an in-depth guide. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

An ammeter is an instrument used to measure the current in electrical circuits. It works on the principle that the magnetic field around a conductor carrying direct current in a circular field with a constant magnitude. The current flow in a conductor is proportional to the area of the loop. When the loop is reduced, the magnetic field is intensified. So the ammeter is placed in series with the circuit to be measured and its coil movement is proportional to the current flow in the circuit. Thus it is a meter for measuring current flow in a circuit.

Voltmeters measure voltage, and ammeters measure current. Voltmeters are used to measure the voltage of a circuit when it is connected in parallel, along with another resistor that limits the effect it has on the voltage source.

The principle of ammeter is based on the magnetic effect of current, its principle is that the resistance and inductive reactance must be low. Ammeter consists of a coil of wire and a fixed permanent magnet. Hence an ammeter can never be connected in a parallel line.

An ammeter basically measures the electric current in a circuit. A voltmeter is being connected in parallel for measuring its voltage whereas an ammeter is connected in series with a device to measure its current.

Ammeters – which is a unit of measurement to determine the amount of electric current flowing through an electrical circuit – work by measuring the current of electricity that passes through a coil, with a very low resistance and inductive reactance. A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by hooking up a resistor called a shunt resistance in parallel to the galvanometer.

The major difference between the ammeter and the galvanometer is that while the ammeter only shows magnitude, the galvanometer shows both magnitude and polarity. The ammeter is more likely to measure current in mA, A or even something like kA while the galvanometer may be able to read electric current in micro-amps.

Voltmeter - A Complete Guide!
By in

Voltmeter - A Complete Guide!

We are familiar with the fact that a voltmeter is an important electrical testing instrument used to measure the potential difference. But do you know what a voltmeter is? There is a lot more to this device than meets the eye! This blog helps you understand what a voltmeter is, how it works and how to use it. 

a voltmeter is a measuring instrument used to measure voltage i.e. the potential difference between two points in an electric circuit, here is an reference image for the same.

What is Voltmeter?

As the name implies, a voltmeter is a measuring instrument used to measure voltage i.e. the potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.

Voltmeter is used to check the input and output voltage of various equipment such as motors, batteries, medical equipment, electrical panel boards, plastic machinery, electronic devices, etc. It is connected in parallel to the circuit for which voltage is to be measured. Voltmeters come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, either analog or digital. 

Daily Uses of Voltmeter:

Voltmeters have diverse applications, ranging from diagnosing electrical issues to validating voltage levels. By translating complex electrical data into comprehensible readings, voltmeters empower us to navigate the world of circuits with confidence. 

Let’s dive into how Voltmeters find their place in various scenarios.

  • Diagnosing Electrical Problems: They help you identify issues like faulty connections or irregular voltage levels that could be causing the glitches.
  • Ensuring Safe Power Consumption: Voltmeters come to the rescue by measuring the voltage drop across devices. This helps you optimize power usage and keep energy bills in check.
  • Validating Battery Health: Voltmeters let you peek into their health by measuring voltage levels. This insight ensures your devices keep running smoothly and your journeys stay uninterrupted.
  • Verifying Circuit Performance: They verify if circuits are functioning as intended, making sure all components receive the right amount of voltage for optimal performance.
  • Safeguarding Appliances: Voltmeters help you ensure that devices like refrigerators, air conditioners, and computers receive the correct voltage, extending their lifespan and preventing damage.
  • Electrical Installations: They ensure that all connections are secure, and circuits are properly wired, minimizing safety risks.

At BEEMET, we’re here to illuminate these practical applications, ensuring you’re equipped to harness the power of voltmeters in your everyday ventures

Voltmeter Reading and Symbol

The voltage is measured in Volts and the voltmeter shows the reading in Volts (V). In an electric circuit, the voltmeter is represented by the letter V inside a circle.

Working principle of Voltmeter

  • A voltmeter comprises essential components, notably a sensitive galvanometer. This galvanometer is capable of detecting even the tiniest electric currents.
  • A series resistor is integrated into the setup, acting as a bridge between the circuit and the galvanometer.
  • The two terminals of the voltmeter should be connected in parallel to the circuit for which the voltage needs to be checked. The voltmeter has a very high resistance by design so it does not load the circuit when connected in parallel.
  • As voltage flows through the circuit and the voltmeter, the galvanometer detects the current’s presence.  The galvanometer’s movement is transformed into a readable value.
  • To ensure accuracy, voltmeters are carefully calibrated. This makes the voltmeter a reliable source of measurement.

Precaution while using Voltmeter

Here are some essential precautions to keep in mind when using these powerful tools.

  • Safety Gear First: Don’t forget your safety goggles and gloves before you start working with voltmeters.
  • Check the Environment: Make sure the area is dry and free from any moisture, as electricity and water don’t mix.
  • Inspect the Cables: Inspect the voltmeter cables for any damage. Worn cables can be dangerous, so replace them if needed.
  • Turn Off Power: Turn off the power to the circuit you’re testing. This prevents any unexpected shocks or damage.
  • Select the Right Range: Setting the voltmeter to a range higher than needed can give inaccurate readings.
  • Proper Probing: Use the appropriate probes for your voltmeter. Ensure they’re securely attached and insulated.
  • Avoid High Voltage: Voltmeters are not meant to measure high voltages like lightning. Avoid situations where the voltage exceeds the meter’s capabilities.

At BEEMET, your safety is our priority. Our voltmeters are designed with these precautions in mind, ensuring that you have a secure and reliable experience.

What are the types of voltmeters?

The mechanical pointer of an analog voltmeter moves in an arc of 90 degrees depending on the amount of voltage present in a circuit under test. 

  •  Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Type
    As the name suggests, it comprises a permanent magnet and the coil rotates in the magnetic field. This movement is called the D’Arsonval movement. This type of voltmeter will measure only DC voltages. 
  •  Moving Iron Type
    This has a fixed coil and the moving iron rotates at the center of the coil. It is used for both AC and DC measurements. 
  •  Rectifier Type
    These are moving coil meters used to measure precision AC voltage. 

Analog Voltmeter

Analog voltmeters are used generally in all electrical switchboards and panels, battery chargers, medical instruments, power supplies and other such equipment where voltage needs to be displayed. For DC measurement, the positive and negative terminals of the circuit are to be connected to the positive and negative terminals of the voltmeter. However, for AC measurement, the terminals can be connected either way.

An analog voltmeter is preferred in many devices compared to digital voltmeter as the reading stays steady and does not fluctuate for small variations.

Analog voltmeters have a much longer lifespan compared to their digital counterparts. Unlike digital meters, analog voltmeters do not require any auxiliary supply to function. 

Beemet is a leading Voltmeter manufacturer,supplier and exporter in India. These Voltmeters are designed to an internationally accepted standard.
At Beemet, we have a wide range of analogue voltmeters such as SM series, CF Series 1, CF Series 2,RM Series MO Series, MR Series, VF Series,Educational Series, etc.

Digital Voltmeter

Digital meters are quickly replacing their analog counterparts. 

 A digital voltmeter measures an input voltage by converting it into a digital value and then displays the voltage in a numeric form on a 7-segment digital display. While relying on a very similar device called an integrating converter, a digital voltmeter is almost always built specifically for getting as accurate as possible within less than 100 milliseconds so that it can respond faster if needed for greater precision.

It eliminates the error in reading due to parallax and measurement approximation. Additionally, measurement values can be stored in the internal memory for further analysis. These instruments are very light in weight and occupy a much smaller area on an electrical panel.

This added level of efficiency makes these models become a really popular choice in comparison to the early days when using mechanical devices was the only way to connect an input signal with direct numerical output and without any unwanted noise or component failure overall.

Beemet's manufactured digital ammeters which comes in various sizes (96×48/96×96/48×48) as well as in compact module form.

We have a wide range of digital voltmeters in sizes such as DPM Series and Module Meter.

What is the range of the voltmeter?

 DC Voltmeters measure voltages in the range of 10mV to 1000V DC. AC voltmeters measure voltages from 1V to 1000V AC. 


We hope our article has helped you to get a thorough walkthrough of Voltmeter. Do you want a walkthrough of an Ammeter? Dive into our dedicated Blog on Ammeters for an in-depth guide. 

The most important thing is to find the right tool for the right job. No one voltmeter can be used for everything, which is why I think it’s important to understand the different uses and applications of different voltmeters. Voltmeters come with different accuracies for different uses. For precision measurements, there are portable voltmeters with 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 accuracy.

Beemets Voltmeters

Beemet is a leading ammeter and Voltmeter manufacturer and exporter from India. We offer a wide range of high-quality Analog Voltmeters and Digital Voltmeters. Our Voltmeters are manufactured with the finest materials for unmatched performance and durable design for long-lasting use, ensuring our clients get precisely what they need at excellent value. 

Beemet voltmeters are available in various models and sizes to suit the customer’s requirements. They come in: 

  • Square DIN sizes (48/72/96/144) 
  • Wide view clear polycarbonate front mounting and rear panel mounting type 
  • Round meter with glass front-type 
  • Rectangular sizes 
  • Wide angle 240° circular scale type 
  • Educational portable type mounted on a desktop stand 
  • American-type Saxon and Fiesta series. 
  • Maximum demand indicator / bimetallic ammeters in 2 and 3-pointer types. 

The meter housing is made with ABS and polycarbonate plastics. Our voltmeters are available in DC permanent magnet moving coil type, AC moving iron type and moving coil rectifier type. All our voltmeters are available in a wide range from 10mV to 600V. We also manufacture digital voltmeters in various sizes (96×48/96×96/48×48) as well as in compact module form. 

 If you are someone who is confused about how to select the right voltmeter that fits your budget and application needs. Explore our dedicated Blog- “How to select the right ammeter and voltmeter?” for expert guidance on choosing the right one. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

A voltmeter measures only the voltage potential difference between the two points of connection. A multimeter is an instrument that is used to measure the voltage, current and resistance. A multimeter can also be used to measure the capacitance, frequency, inductance and duty cycle.

The voltmeter will read the voltage generated by a changing magnetic field. The voltmeter is connected to the circuit by two wires – one carrying a positive charge, and the other carrying a negative charge.

You cannot substitute a voltmeter with a multimeter because the multimeter can measure multiple electrical values while the voltmeter is designed primarily to measure voltage. A multimeter is more expensive than a voltmeter because it is designed to measure additional parameters that are not within the scope of function of a voltmeter.

Yes, it can. A multimeter can measure two or more electrical values, principally voltage (volts), current (amps), and resistance (ohms). Moreover, a multimeter can function as a voltmeter, ammeter and ohmmeter. 

It’s a common misconception that you need to insert the meter into a circuit in order to measure voltage. Multimeters have contact leads for this purpose. Touching these leads against any two points in the circuit will provide an accurate reading.

It uses an electrostatic field made by two charged plates to deflect a pointer attached to a spring. This kind of meter is very sensitive; it senses voltages over 100 volts and either works with alternating or direct currents.

The reading of a voltmeter can be determined with the knowledge of Ohms Law that voltage is equal to current multiplied by resistance or V=IR, where V is the potential difference across a specific resistance R through which a given amount of current I is flowing.