In this blog, we are going to understand in detail what are shunts, how ammeter shunts work, their uses, types, and much more.A shunt (or shunt resistor) is a device…
Author: Dr. Arvind Kulkarni

Current Transformers - A Definitive Guide!
What is Current Transformer? A current transformer is a device that helps in measuring alternating current. It converts high primary current to a low, safer level secondary current that is…

Ammeter - A Complete Guide!
An Ammeter has a lot of uses in day-to-day life and is a very important electrical measuring instrument. This complete guide will help you understand what an ammeter is, how…

Voltmeter - A Complete Guide!
We are familiar with the fact that a voltmeter is an important electrical testing instrument used to measure the potential difference. But do you know what a voltmeter is? There…